Monday, 16 October 2017


I am in the first day of the third week of the Design BA course at Goldsmiths University. For the past two weeks I've been entertained by the variety of Technical Studies Workshops that have been made available to us. The workshops were as follows:

-Creative/Physical Computing
-Digital Fabrication
-Plastic Fabrication

I thoroughly enjoyed all of them and regret that there will be a time where I have to choose three of them to learn about more thoroughly and leave the rest behind (for the time being, at least).

In Creative Computing we learned about basic coding, and our outcome existed on an 8x8 LED panel, where we could code for any specific LED and colour it based on the pantone colour system.
This was all within reason of course, as LEDs are fabulously luminous and somewhere the yellows blurred into the greens and pinks burned into reds... but we worked it out relatively well.

 Metal was like stepping into the unknown. I had no experience of how this material behaved or what it 'liked' or 'disliked' in terms of manipulation and adjustment. I spent most of the morning concerned that I would hurt myself on such a 'harsh' material and was pleasantly surprised when I created some seemingly 'soft' outcomes.

Plastic Fabrication was like working backwards... It took us ages to create any form of outcome and I'm not even sure it was worth it. I feel like these objects would have benefited from further refinement, as their final form did not do the process as much justice as it perhaps could have.

On the bright side, now that I am aware of the process I can most certainly plan in more detail my next encounter with a vacuum former and make my end product a more purposeful and successful one.

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